Introduction: Easy Way to Remove Pills From a Blister Pack

About: Jack passed away May 20, 2018 after a long battle with cancer. His Instructables site will be kept active and questions will be answered by our son-in-law, Terry Pilling. Most of Jack's instructables are tuto…

This is the result of a comment made on this instructable:

I have some pills in a hard to open blister pack and her comment got me thinking I should be able to help her.

To open a blister pack using my method all you will need is a small flat screwdriver. On mine the blade is 1/8 inches wide.

Step 1: Make an Opening

Turn the blister pack vertical so the pill falls to the bottom.

Hold the screwdriver horizontal.

Pierce the foil with the screwdriver at the top of the blister.

Step 2: Prepare to Open the Blister

Turn the blister pack horizontal.

Insert the screwdriver horizontally through the blister on top of the pill.

Go a little past the blister so you have a place to apply leverage without breaking the pill.

Step 3: Finish the Process

Carefully lift the screwdriver to tear the foil and reveal the pill.