Introduction: Electroluminescent Pad

This is a tutorial on to turn an electroluminescent pad into a party light with variable timing. While this tutorial shows how to do this with a ready made electroluminescent pad, it can be used with electroluminescent paint that has been painted on any surface.

This project was carried out for the course TfCD at TU Delft by:

Gray Dawdy (4519396)

Jose Angel Guijarro (4511107)

Step 1: Collect the Materials

The materials needed for this project are:

- Computer with Arduino installed

- Arduino UNO board

- TinkerKit Relay modelT010010

- TinkerKit Sensor Shield

- Inverter for Electroluminescent Wire, supplies 9 volts

- Electroluminescent pad (or specially painted electroluminescent surface)

Step 2: Wiring the Arduino

Step 1: Attach the sensor shield to the Arduino board.

Step 2: Attach the sensor shield cable to the sensor shield board.

Step 3: Wiring the Inverter for Electroluminescent Material

Step 3: Attach the extension cable for the inverter to the inverter

Step 4: Attach the one lead of the electroluminescent pad to the relay NC socket

Step 5: Attach one lead of the inverter to the relay COM socket

Step 6: Attach the remaining leads of the electroluminescent pad and inverter together.

Step 4: Programing With Arduino UNO

Step 7: Write an Arduino program that turns pin 11 on and off. This is part that allows you to program your specific "beat" or "rhythm". If you want, you can start with this example code:

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {

// initialize digital pin 13 as an output. pinMode(11, OUTPUT); }

// the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() {

digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);


digitalWrite(11, HIGH);


digitalWrite(11, LOW);



Step 5: Party Time!

Step 8: Upload your code to the Arduino, turn on the inverter, and start dancing!

Check out the video above for an example of a rhythm you can program.