Introduction: Foot Pedal Pcb Drill Press

About: radom diy projects

a very useful pcb driil press with foot pedal

i use 3 555 timers to adjust up,down and drill speed

Step 1: Pcb Layout & Connection Diagram

i use expesspcb, its a free and easy program to make pcb's

the mosfets are from an old PC motherboard

Step 2: Build the Press Drill

i use items from old printers. you can use better meterials!

the motor for up-down movement, must be geared for easiest control

the drill is a cheap 12v dremmel

Step 3: Make the Drill Start Automatically

make the drill start automatically when it reach the pcb

i use a terminal switch at back place of the drill's motor

Step 4: Make the Up/down Movement Stop Automatically

make the up/down movement stop automatically

Step 5: Connect the Wiring

connect all the cables..

the power supply is 12v, at least 2A

Step 6: Make a Foot Pedal

i make a simple foot pedal with a button switch.

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017