Introduction: Frog Strumming Bass

About: I recently retired and I find I have so much time on my hands. I love DIY !! I love re purposing old unwanted items and making them functional and beautiful. I am currently remodeling my home.

My frogs look need of makeover

Step 1: Frog Makeover

Step 2: Making the Sign

Step 3: Finishing Up

I gathered the blue plastic tarp I had purchased at Walmart...$3....I racked away the small stones, and cut a pond like shape with the tarp, kinda. I added some gems to the pond...I added some fans to watch the frogs strumming the bass. A frog king, a turtle and a frog prince all gathered around to watch.

Outside Contest 2016

Participated in the
Outside Contest 2016

Trash to Treasure Challenge

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure Challenge