Introduction: Homemade Hologram Projection


Step 1: What You Need:

To begin this project you will need the following:

-Thin Plastic (can just be old packaging)
- A ruler
- Hot Glue Gun (with hot glue gun sticks)
- An equilateral triangle to trace
- Scissors
- Permanent Marker
- A screen (iPad/smartphone/tablet) you get the idea.

Step 2: Tracing

Get your permanent marker and trace four equilateral triangles on your thin plastic using a ruler.

Step 3: Scissors

Now, carefully cut out the triangles that you traced with your permanent marker on the plastic.

Step 4: Tape and Glue

This is where the hot glue and the tape comes in to play, tape the edges on one side of each of your triangles. Once you've taped all the slides together the plastic forms are pyramid. The tape is a temporary hold until you hot glue the sides permanently together. One you hot glue the sides you can choose whether or not to remove the tape.

Step 5: Tablet Time

Go to YouTube and search: Hologram Jellyfish. From there you'll find multiple videos that you can use for your hologram pyramid. Hold your pyramid over the center of the screen and watch through the side of your pyramid.

Step 6: Enjoy Watching Your Homemade Hologram

Have Fun!