Introduction: Homemade Simple Pressure Washer

About: Easy and affordable DIY projects and ideas.

There are times when a simple pressure washer - even a small one - comes in handy. We show you how to make a homemade pressure washer. A simple pressure washer was needed to clean off the electrodes on a saltwater chlorinator, as well as paving. This basic homemade pressure washer will cost hardly anything to make and is perfect for small projects like this, or even for washing your car.


2 litre plastic cold drink bottle

12.5mm clip-on hose connectors*

Short length of 12mm hose

20mm pipe

Jubilee clip


Dremel MultoTool and 1.5mm dia. drill bit

*If you are not sure about the size of the connector to fit into the bottle - take it with you to check that the size you buy is correct.


1. Attach the clip-on connector to one end of the hose, and the other end over the tap adaptor. Use the jubilee clip to make the seal watertight. Screw this onto your plastic bottle.

2. In the centre of the base of the bottle (there is a small, thick section left over from them manufacturing process) drill a small hole. I drilled a 1.5mm diameter hole. Connect up the washer to your garden hose and you’re ready to go.

See pic up of the clogged salt chlorinator before being sprayed with pressure washer, With the water on, and adjusted for the pressure I wanted, the jet quickly cuts away the deposits. The pressure washer removed the deposits without damaging the cathode and anode electrodes.

You can use your homemade pressure washer to clean small areas of paving or walls.

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