Introduction: How to Invert Colors on the IPhone 4

About: I love new crafts! I like crafts that have things like duct tape and binder clips.

Step 1: Go to Settings

When you're at the settings, scroll down to the tab that says General.

Step 2: Accessibility

Once you're at the General settings, scroll all the way down to Accessibility.

Step 3: Permanent Invert Colors

Find the tab that says Invert Colors with an on/ off switch and change that over to ON. (Not totally permanent forever but more permanent than the second option)

Step 4: Temporary Color Switch

Scroll all the way down until you see the tab that says Triple Click Home. Once you press that, press the tab that says Invert Colors. (Make sure that it shows a checkmark next to Invert Colors)

Step 5: Checked Off

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Step 6: Triple Click Home

Go back to the home screen and to invert your colors press the home button three times fast to invert colors and three times fast to go back to normal.