Introduction: How to Make a Tactical Tomahawk

About: Feel free to check out my Instagram, it is charggear. A wannabe machinist. I'm always trying to improve my techniques. Most of the time I'm making lantern keychains and pens

Step 1:

You need to sketch out a design on to a sheet of steel.

Step 2:

You then need to cut out the steel. ( I messed up on mine.)

Step 3:

After you've done that you should have something like this

Step 4:

You should remove the burs and put a good edge on the blade

Step 5:

You now new to harden and temper the steel. ( ill do another instructable on that, I dont want to have a mile long instructable)

Step 6:

You should now clean up your edge and mark and drill holes for the handle. ( I'm doing a paracord handle)( when drilling ALWAYS use clamps!)

Step 7: Optional

You can paint at this point, I chose not to

Step 8:

Now time to wrap, i think you guys don't need too much instruction on it.

Step 9:

Continue this all the way down and when you get to the bottom pull both ends through and tie a square knot and melt the ends together

Step 10:

And your done! If you make this PLEASE DON'T do anything stupid with it. Feel free to comment.

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Manly Crafts Contest

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Workshop Contest