Introduction: How to Recycle HDPE Plastic the Easy Way

About: Come spend some time in the shop. I'm a hobbyist woodworker and professional computer geek in Northern California. I guess my projects will vary widely, and I have no clue what I plan to make next...

After spending 2 hours cutting up a single milk bottle with kitchen shears, I knew I couldn't do it again.

I felt like a late night infomercial and may have actually uttered the phrase, "There has to be a better way!"

Turning old milk jugs and bottle caps into useable stock for making. In this short video I process a 2 milk bottles and about half a dozen bottle tops into a 1 1/2" x 3" x 5" turning block.

You could just as easily press this into sheet material for use in box inlays or scroll saw art. The possibilities are endless. The total processing time was under an hour from bottle to blank! Less than waiting for a glue up!

The result is a stunningly colorful blank ready for some new project!