Introduction: How to Build a Wooden Tree?

In this instructable, I'm going to show how we were very much motivated throughout the process of creating this wooden tree that looks absolutely incredible. Added the lights and used ornaments. well the ornaments were made out of cotton. The wood were created into different sizes since it incorporated the illusion of a tree made out of wood


Get wood, cut them in different sizes that fit with the design plan. Find a long wood that fits with all the wood you got in the first step. Make sure the long piece of wood goes in the middle. the long piece we got was Width=in and length was 2 1/2 ft long.

Step 2:

Once wood has been measured, get nails and get super glue

Step 3: Be Creative With the Materials You Have!!!

For the decoration there was much effort to find the materials we need, But we collaborated together and found that we could use cotton. The cotton was primarily the size of a paper sheet. We had to cut the cotton o it looked like it was a look-alike of an ornament. After that we pinched a hole in the cotton so that the string could be attached with some super glue.

Step 4: Let the Tree Rise!!

As we began to gather the materials we needed a stand for the tree to sit on. We found a square wood that looked great and painted it to how a tree would look. So then we cut the base in the middle o that the long piece of wood could sit on. After we did that we had super glued the long piece of wood in to the base.

Step 5: Setup for the Lights

Christmas is coming. Which motivated us that lights had to be there. We weren't the experts at really programming the lights but we had a battery that didn't seem to let down because of the led's we had in place. One big led was separated from the other led's because it was big in size so we didn't want the light to dim because of not having enough power. After the battery was in place on the base of a tiny wood that supported the weight we got a battery base an used wires that connected to each terminal of the led's.

Used about three led's in this project

Step 6: Beautify!!!!

We painted, put out the ornaments and used creativity to demonstrate what teens accomplish together in a class.