Introduction: How to Cite the Quran in MLA?

There is a specific format in Modern Language Association or MLA format which is considered to be a standard method in academic circles. It is considered very good for phrase references and it is not used in the footnotes or end notes. There is a specific rule for citing a text which is sacred like that of Quran e Kareem. There are specific rules of citation of book of Islam, internet source, book or journal. There are also specific guidelines by MLA for the citation of the holy book Quran e Kareem (Learn Quran).

Step 1: Open a Phrase Reference

You may open a phrase reference by a parenthesis, this may be done by holding the shift key and the by pressing “9”.

Step 2: Type the Name of the Quran

Type the name of the Quran you are in the process of citation followed by a comma. For example, Quran with Urdu Translation App, then, you should put the number of the Surah or chapter you are following, then, a colon, then type the verses which is being cited.

Step 3: Closing Parenthesis

Closing Parenthesis – You may close the parenthesis by pressing holding the shift key along with “0” button. Then, the closing sign of the punctuation.

Step 4: Type the Name of the Quran

For bibliography, First of all the name of the Quran being used should be typed, then period. For example The Quran: Quran Reading App, the title should be made Italic.

Step 5: Type "Trans" for Translations

The word “Trans” may be typed if there is a translation which has been used. Then, the initial and the ending names of the translator may be used then a period.

Step 6: Type the Location

You may type the location which is followed by a colon. Then you may type the publisher’s name which is followed by a comma. At the end, the date of publication may be typed which ends with a period. The final citation should be looking like this;

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics). Trans. M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. USA: Oxford University Press, 2008.

The bibliography should be formatted properly. The headings of “Bibliography” or “Works Cited” may be used. The bibliography should be indented properly. If there is a longer reference (more than 1 line), the second line should have 5 spaces.