Introduction: How to Get Rid of Blood Fat and Foods Fat

About: He is a budding writer who is learning the ropes of telling the world about his passion,interest and views. He is interested in learning new things and discovering new way of doing things. He hopes he could b…

Do you that there is fat in your blood? I know most of us know about fatty foods, But we know little or nothing about blood fat.
Your blood fat is as important as your food fat. However food fat is gotten from our daily diet.Diet in high saturated fat like red meat,pizzas,cheese,high fat milka and the likes bring about food fat.Carbohydrate when too much of it is eaten, causes fat. How about Blood fat? Blood fat is called in triglycerides.This

Step 1: Cause of Triglycerides

Excess calories.If you take more calories than your body really needs, your liver produces more triglycerides. If you eat foods and the work rate in burning up the energy you derive from the calories is low,it is likely you will have triglycerides because the excess calories not use up in active lifestyle, will stored in your liver.

Step 2: How to Reduce Triglycerides

How to reduce Triglycerides
  • Control your weight
  • Exercise more
  • Do more of physical activities
  • Avoid smoking
  • Stop drinking alcohol
  • Eat diet low in saturated fat,trans fat and cholesterol
  • Eat foods that do not have high amounts of carbohydrates.
  • Use medication as the last resort.
For more on how to eliminate Fat go to BurningBelly Fat or the Truth about Six Pack Abs: How to get rid of your stomach fat and develop stomach muscles in 30 minutes. (Sixpack fast and easy)