Introduction: How to Get Rid of Foot Fungus

About: Hey, I'm Jerry! I love making innovative things that change people's lives.

Foot fungus sure can be annoying, but there's an easy solution. Read on to find out how.

Step 1: You Will Need

All you need is:
White Vinegar
Cotton Swabs

Step 2: Dry

First, remember that you have to keep your feet dry. After a shower, dry your feet throughly with a towel. Don't forget in between the toes!

Step 3: Vinegar

After every shower, dip a cotton swab in vinegar and brush your entire foot with vinegar. Let dry. If you have foot fungus on both feet, brush both! Another way is to pour a mixture of 5/6 vinegar and 1/6 water into a basin and soak your feet in it for 5 minutes.

Step 4: Remember

Don't forget to keep your feet clean and dry. This is the most important thing. Good Luck and don't forget to comment and rate!