Introduction: How to Make: Pen Gun

A fun and simple gun for indoor/outdoor use! *first Instructable*

Step 1: What You Will Need

These are the things you will need,

one BIC pen that you can take apart

one regular rubber band

and one wide rubber band

Step 2: Take Apart the Pen 1

First take the bottom part that has the pen tipon it off.

Step 3: Take Apart the Pen 2

Now the second part of the pen.

You wont need the top pusher of the pen or the spring.

Step 4: Take Apart the Pen 3

now take off the part of the ink holder on the bottom, most ink holders will do this, if not leave it there. It should look like this.

This will be your dart.

Step 5: The Pen Barrel

next put the wide rubber across the pen from tip to tip, then coil the thin rubber band around the wide one near a tip of the pen.

it should look like this.

Step 6: Shooting the Pen Gun

You are now ready to fire.

Put the wide rubber band on the end of the pen farthest from the coiled rubber band then put the pen dart in the barrel of the pen on the side with the coiled rubber band. The wide rubber band should block it from going all the way through the pen and the pointed tip of the dart should be pointing out, push it in and grab the wide rubber band and the pen dart in between your pointer finger and your thumb, pull back, aim, and let go to fire! Have fun and I am not responsible for any injuries that may occur while using this pen gun.