Introduction: How to Make Salt Dough- ELL

This is an instructable on How To Make Salt Dough. Lijuan will love this lesson because she will get to use her creativity while sharing her artistic side. This instructable uses TPR, SIOP, SEI, and newly learned instructional strategies when teaching an ELL.

TPR is used in the video SIOP is seen during the video when students will be engaged 90-100% of the time. SEI is seen in the graphic organizer and during the steps on how to make salt dough. Students are encouraged to speak in English but there the items are labeled in Chinese for an accommodation.The four instructional strategies that I used are:Having students work with a buddy Having students complete a graphic organizer Creating a "do now" for students in order to spark their interest There are visuals provided with each step and items labeled in Chinese

Step 1: TPR Salt Dough

Step 2: Gather All Ingredients

Step 3: Measure 2 Cups Flour

Step 4: Measure 1 Cup Salt

Step 5: Measure 1 Cup Warm Water

Step 6: In Large Bowl Mix Water and Salt Until Dissolved

Step 7: Slowly Add Flour Until a Soft Dough Forms

Step 8: Play With Your Salt Dough

Step 9: Graphic Organizer

  • Lijuan will download the graphic organizer
  • While working with a partner, she will fill in the missing blanks