Introduction: How to Make a Hidden Blade From a BIC Pen

About: I am an 8th grade bloke that got into Instructables. I am basically here to show you how to make stuff :-D

So, this tutorial will show you how to make a hidden blade from a simple office BIC pen. W A R N I N G!!: AssassinDude is not responsible for ANY injuries caused by this, so don't cause trouble. Ps, I am also not responsible for the consequences caused by this. This is my first instructable so don't judge plz.

Step 1: Supplies

All you need is a simple BIC pen, 2 rubber bands, and a fingerless glove (optional)

Step 2: Making the Hidden Blade

First, remove the ink cartilage from the pen. After that, assamble as shown in the photo.

Step 3: Done!

Now, put your fingerless glove on (optional) and put your hidden blade into the rubber bands but first put the rubber bands in like a bracelet.