Introduction: How to Play Pokemon on Discord Servers With a Bot

About: I used to be Instructables Genius 564 but I was so cringe-y that I wanted to delete the account but now I was like nah so I made this also I have a youtube channel lol


bots are dank

and so are pokeymans

so I'm going to teach you about a bot called Pokecord, the basic commands, and what you should do to run the darn bot.

Step 1: Install Le Bot Onto Le Server

Here's the link.

just hit the big INVITE button, then choose the server you want to be a part of.

Step 2: Give the Bot Admin Rank (O P T I O N a L)

I highly recommend giving the bot admin rank just so that it can type and post stuff in certain servers. You can fiddle with the roles later, and maybe restrict it to one server, but that's basically what I recommend.

Step 3: How to Use the Bot -- Picking a Pokemon

I recommend making a specific channel for the bot, because you need to spam a lot for this.

use the following command in the chat room where you want to choose a Pokeyman: p!start

you should get the photo shown above

NOW, do p!pick <name of a starter pokemon from gen 1-7>

Step 4: More Commands

You should now have a starter Pokeyman!

Now you can spam in the chat to level up your Pokeyman.

No lie, that is how you level up Pokeymans, just spam (it counts total # of messages, not what is in the messages, so spamming "1" is better than spamming "1111111111111111111111")

If you want to learn more, do p!help, and all the commands will be listed.

That's basically it, I need to do more Instructables, but I'm not sure on what.
