Introduction: How to Remember a Text

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Life quite often sets for us a task — to remember as much as possible any text. Especially it is actual for school and university students and many people should remember a lot of information in work, and someone simply is engaged in self-education. How it is better to remember read successfully to cope with the duties and to hold all necessary information in the head?

Step 1: Tips for Better Remembering

  • Time plays a role

Some advise to read in the morning, while others say that they are best stored read before going to sleep, so when, after all, the best time to remember? It all depends on your biorhythms and health recovery time.

If you work best in the morning, you feel it vigorously early in the morning, and it should be read in a while. The brain is set up to work, and therefore, it is easy to remember and process the necessary information. If you yawn in the morning, unable to tear his head from the pillow, but closer to the night cheerful and fun, therefore you performance rises at night - read bedtime for a better memorization. Tip: Do not believe when you work better? Try both methods to determine which one is more appropriate.

  • The main thing - to understand what you've just read

Important! Do not read the information without thinking, trying to just memorize the text, so you are unlikely to learn anything. The best way to remember something - understand this. Penetrate into the text, read carefully, let the process will be slower, but you will understand the essence of the information provided.

If before you plot the text, after reading try to retell the story, its basic parts, understand that there is going on and why, who among the characters is thinking about what he does. If this formula, certain technical information, you should try to understand the basic principles and methods of work, which it says.

  • Share information with other

A good way to remember the old - is to retell the information to someone else. Share with friends or relatives, pronouncing aloud the thoughts, you repeat the main important information, in addition, to formulate the idea, you need to understand what they read, and focus on it, which also contributes to a better memorization.

  • Find a comfortable place and a suitable environment

It is best to read in some quiet place where nothing will distract you. No wonder the library asked to keep silence - when excessive sounds do not distract much easier to focus on the read and remember information. Therefore, if you are used to study something with music or TV mumbling, better turn off all audio sources at the time of reading.

As for comfort - you should be comfortable, get a soft chair, sit down so that nothing hurt. Take care and the lack of other distractions, for example, if you feel hungry, you'd better have something to eat, or while reading you will be distracted by the discomfort and stomach rumbling.

Important! Do not read lying down, it's bad for the eyesight and prevents perceive the information, especially if you are lying in bed. The brain automatically adjusts to transition to sleep and is no longer actively working. Records and plans to make it easier to memorize

If it is possible to write something that represents a particular challenge in front of you a large and complex text, which a lot of details. Entries will help to better remember these places, because in the process of writing, storing also activated.

In addition, you can create for yourself the plan text, and then follow him to try to retell the text. The plan may include the main points - think how you could designate one sentence read to you a chapter or a paragraph, select the main idea and proceed from it when memorizing. Knowing the important moments of the underlying, you will be able to switch them to other, minor details, slowly reproducing in the memory of all the information.

Tip from Papersowl: you can not simply record the information, and to try to structure them, making a table or drawing a diagram. Large volumes better to divide into parts.

Great for storing text looks really intimidating, forcing to think about what to remember so much information is simply unrealistic. What can I do? Try to fool the brain by dividing text into pieces and store small pieces separately. To facilitate the memorization process can take breaks, giving a rest after the next piece of text.

  • Reminders are everywhere

This method is especially good if you learn the words of a foreign language, but also extracts plain text can be printed on sheets of paper and paste up the house. Hang them on the refrigerator, next to the computer, in the bathroom, anywhere. Looking to bump into them, causing the desired information in the memory, and you can repeat it again, in order to better remember. This method is effective when you want to learn the text is not urgent and you have some time.

  • Give yourself an extra incentive

It will be easier to learn something when you know that you expect a nice reward after. Come up with all sorts of incentives that will help you, for example, learning a piece of text, you can afford to sit in social networks or eat chocolate.

These tips will help you cope with any, even complex and large text. If you do not know how best to remember the old, use them and try not to think negatively, think about what you could do it, and then you will easily remember the necessary information