Introduction: How to Make a Cactus Terrarium - Easy and Cheap Way

I found on web some info regarding terrariums and also I like the idea of home garden (my balcony is full with pots of pepper, mint and basil) and then I found an I article regarding a sealed glass which hasn't been opened since forever.

A terrarium is a miniature ecosystem, in my case desert. There can
be closed jar terrariums, a self-sustained self-watering self... It can have any sort of plants which may or may not live under one's weather conditions.

More Information:

So I give it a shot. This is my second attempt of growing a plant so I can't say I'm an expert but did plenty of research before. My first attempt was growing cactus from seed and it failed miserably :(.

Notice that the cactus doesn't need much water. In the winter, it's in
hibernation and requires small amount of water, once a month or two. In the summer, can be watered once a week but not to get soaking wet. Basically its a low maintenance plant.

Step 1: Materials

1 Bag of potting soil (I used some basic potting soil - not cactus special) $2

Sand or gravel

The smallest cactus $1

A rock or desert decorations, animals, people, pinata

1 big glass or plastic jar (since I did some pixel art I had a Pyssla plastic jar from Ikea)

Bill of materials, about $3.

Step 2: Assembly Line

Basically I mixed the potting soil with sand, so it will be a well drained soil, cactus friendly. The sand I gathered from a park, washed it and then dried it.

Then I washed the jar and pealed all the stickers. You can do that with a knife or a plastic card after the jar was left to get wet, for one night. (I found that Ikea stickers are really sticky).

I placed part of the soil in the jar and then I put the cactus inside. I covered it with more soil. Place the cactus just above the jar's opening. If it will grow, it will have some opening to go to. Mine grew 1 cm in two weeks. :)

Notice that the cactus doesn't need much water. In the winter, it's in hibernation and requires small amount of water, once a month or two. In the summer, can be watered once a week but not to get soaking wet.

After the sand was dried, I decorated the surface with it. I saw some pictures with terrariums decorated with gravel. I think I will give it a shot in the future. Be aware that the thinner the sand the more it will bounce when the jar is moved and it will reveal the soil under it. After a couple of days it will fix and then it can be moved.

I also liked the desert look and placed a rock I found near a river. (I will put a small plastic lizard for effect, as well).

Step 3: Place It in Light

I put my at the office, near the monitor. I found that cactus absorbs electrostatic energy generated by monitors. And, of course, for decorative purpose.

The fluorescent light above fuels it in winter and also in summer and the warm generated by the PC makes the perfect conditions for a cactus to grow.

I went really low budget on it and spent about 3$ without the plastic jar (any jar would work anyway).

Have fun creating it!

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