Introduction: How to Make a Lucky Minigame!

About: hi, i am 11 years old. i play minecraft alot. tell me some instructables to do

hello guys! Here is a minigame to build! Note: this works on SURVIVAL!

Step 1: Let's Get the Materials

you need any type of block, bow and arrows to shoot, one bucket of water, one painting, and three trap doors

Step 2: Start Building

build a 3x3 format, place trapdoors as shown in the picture

Step 3: Too Many Blocks

build a roof as shown in the first picture, add painting, extend it 5 blocks, but the roof 4 blocks as shown

Step 4: Digging and Placing

Dig 7 blocks as shown, add water

Step 5: Build

Do like the picture... it explains everything

Step 6: How Do We Play This

First stand beside the water, hold your bow, and shoot the painting. Sometimes you get the painting, sometimes not. Remember, do this on SURVIVAL