Introduction: How to Make a Simple Survival Fishing Rig

About: I make weapons, and other things...

I am posting this instructable in celebration of having got 2000 views on all my tutorials. In this instructable I will be showing you how to make a basic fishing rig which could be made in a survival situation as the hook is made out of a pin. I hope everyone enjoys this and that you all catch plenty of fish with it

Step 1: Materials

For this instructable you will need some strong fishing line (i'm using about 20 lb line), a pair of needle nosed pliers, a pair of scissors, some pins and preferably some hot glue (not shown here).

Step 2: The Hook

Put the pin in the pliers then gently bend it round as shown until it is a basic hook shape.

Step 3: The Hook

It should now look something like this.

Step 4: The Line

Take the fishing line and make a single knot in it as shown.

Step 5: Attaching the Hook

Slip the knot over the hook and pull it tight. Although it doesn't look like it hold well, I find this design to be quick and reliable especially if you put a dab of hot glue on the join (not shown here).

Step 6: Knot

Now tie a tight loop knot on the other and of the line: this will then be tied onto your main line.

Step 7: Wrap It Up

Sorry this is not as clear as my usual pictures but what I have done it just wrapped the whole thing around itself to make it easier to carry. As always, hope everyone enjoyed this instructable and I think this is quite a good time to post it as earlier today I used this setup to catch 4 1lb fish :)

The reason I have been so brief with this one is because i have had to post the whole thing in an internet cafe charging crazy rates.

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