Introduction: How to Make a Spiral Friendship Bracelet

Step 1: Materials and Conditions

The materials you will need to make a friendship bracelet will include:
-a ruler or measuring tape
-embroidery floss

You can choose as many colors as you would like for the embroidery floss, but I would recommend anywhere from 2 to 5. In this example I use 3 different colors of embroidery floss.  

When making these bracelets it is easiest to be working on a flat surface on which you can tape your embroidery floss. 

WARNING! When using scissors be careful not to cut yourself. 

Step 2:

First measure your wrist in inches. Double this length and add 3 more inches to it to get the needed measurement at which you should cut the embroidery floss.  

Step 3:

Take all of your chosen number of color embroidery floss and tie a knot near the end. Leave about two inches at the top. This space will be used to tape your bracelet to a flat surface while you are working and also to tie to the other side when you are completely finished. 

Step 4:

1. Decide which color you want to be the first on the bracelet. In this example I chose purple.

2. Separate the purple floss from the other two colors. (see picture I) 

3. Cross the purple embroidery floss over the other two colors. (see picture II)

4. Tuck the purple embroidery floss under the other two colors and pull through on the side that it originally started on. (see picture III)

 5. Pull this "knot" until it reaches the top.

Repeat steps 2-5 from this slide for your first color 7-15 times, depending on how big you want each color section to be

*Note as you make these "knots" the pattern will spiral on its own.

Step 5:

1. Decide which color you want to be the second on the bracelet. In this example I chose yellow.

2. Separate the yellow floss from the other two colors. (see picture I) 

3. Cross the yellow embroidery floss over the other two colors. (see picture II)

4. Next tuck the yellow embroidery floss under the other two colors and pull through on the side that it originally started on. (see picture III)

5. Pull this "knot" until it reaches the top.

Repeat steps 2-5 from this slide the same amount of times you chose do on your first color. 

Step 6:

1. Decide which color you want to be the third on the bracelet. In this example I chose pink.

2. Separate the pink floss from the other two colors. (see picture I)

3. Cross the pink embroidery floss over the other two colors. (see picture II)

4. Next tuck the pink embroidery floss under the other two colors and pull through on the side that it originally started on. (see picture III)

5. Pull this "knot" until it reaches the top.

Repeat steps 2-5 from this slide the same amount of times you chose do on your first and second colors.  

Step 7: Finishing the Bracelet:

After you have rotated colors multiple times, you may want to compare the length to your wrist. Obviously if it is too short you will need to do more. 

Once you have decided a length at which you want to stop, tie a knot at the end like how you did in slide step 2. 

Step 8: DONE!

Congrats! Now that you have completed making a spiral friendship bracelet, you can give it your friend.