Introduction: How to Play the Game

This instructable will tell you the rules to the game... i lost the game..... There are also no images because well.... there is nothing i could put here that would relate to the game. Sorry

Step 1: Ask Me

Ask me to tell you about the game (this is necessary)

Step 2: Ask Me Again

Ask me again what the game is. (also necassary)

Step 3: The Rules

Ok, here are the rules of the game:

The object of the game is not to think about the game, therefore, because you are reading this, you have lost the game for the first time. You now have 15 minutes to forget about the game or else you lose it again. If you dont forget it you are cursed for life. The only way you are allowed to tell people about the game is that they have to ask twice, that is why i made you ask twice. That is the game! Now go spread the rules, and go annoy some people for life!!! oh ya, you cant ever stop playing the game, i have just officially ruined your life!!!!! WOOT!!! Sorry

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