Introduction: How to Take Crystal Clear Digital Snapshots Through a Microscope Lens...

About: I can weld, fix engines (fix almost anything actually), I enjoy shooting guns as well as gunsmithing, and am beginning programming, I play around with some consumer electronics, and design and build some digit…


Hi folks, this I'ble is defunct and has been for a long time. I made it when I was very young, and had intended to delete this recently, but I unfortunately couldn't as I had entered it into a contest way back when. The original setup was fairly obtuse in it's design, and after getting a rare chance to use both SEM and TEM systems (I'm a biochemical researcher now), I've decided to abandon this project.

Step 1: The Supplies Needed

You will need: 1. A microscope (it doesn't matter the cost) 2. A digital camera (yes it has to be digital) 3

Digital Days Photo Contest

Participated in the
Digital Days Photo Contest