Introduction: Identify Label for Usb Cables

Often!  I 've confuse that don't know which a cable is Printer or External HDD take to plug to my Labtop  (When I 've to hasty to do some job.)
How to know that if I just see the end of a cable which more than one!!..
So,we can Identify all USB cables as we have..Let's make it.

Step 1: Material & Tool

1.Used PE box
4.Mark Pen

Step 2: Cut It Out

Cut a PE box as your need How many pices to use.

Step 3: Cut Into Small One

Cut in into small one as your need to indentify a USB cable.

Step 4:

Puncture the hole for Throw it in a cable.
Puncture the hole at two edges of the label.

Step 5: Rip It

Rit it along the length from  hole  to hole .
Make sure draw it through the center.

Step 6: Write Down

Write down the device name on a label . by directly mark pen or attach a sticker.

Step 7: Put It

Put it into the USB cable that all of devices  as your need .

Step 8:

Well !! We don't rampage or confuse with  these USB cable again.
Free time to work a job...