Introduction: Ipod Wallet Pouch Out of Duct Tape

How to make an iPod pouch as well a wallet. So instead of carrying a wallet and an Ipod you just carry an Ipod. In this tutorial I will show you how to make a wallet pouch

by Stephen Browne

Step 1: Getting the Stuff

Step 1:
This it what you"l need:

Duct tape

Step 2: Wrapping Duct Tape

Step 2:
This it you'll have to do:

Wrap the sticky side out around the iPod then do the opposite.
don't make it too tight else the ipod won't fit.
then tape the bottom
then wrap the sticky side out around the iPod then do the opposite again.
then stick it on the other one and do the bottom.

Step 3: Test and ENJOY!!

Slip your iPod and money in.
