Introduction: Knex Katana

This is a little Knex Katana I made in my spare time. This is my first Instructable, so be nice. The sword is decorative, not really meant to be swung wildly, as the blade will snap off. Let me know if there are any mods I can make to improve on my next instructable!

Step 1: Making the Hilt

To make the hilt, you will need these pieces:

Step 2: The Hilt (ctnd)

Start off with your two gray rods, and attach a red connector, like so:
Then, add then in intervals, so that one is upside down, the other is up, ect.

Step 3: The Blade

These are the amount of pieces you will need to make the blade:

Step 4: The Blade (ctnd)

Now to make the blade! Add one orange connector on the end of a gray rod, like so:

Next, add another set of orange connectors on, ang add one grey, and one red.

Now, add your bendy connector, and your grey connector with green pieces. Should look like pic. 3.

Now, add your strengtheners, or don't. This step is completely optional.

Step 5: Attaching the Hilt to the Blade.

Now, just attach the orange connectors to the grey rods in your hilt, and your katana is done!