Introduction: K'nex Mini Connector Slinger

About: Ok guys my instructables name now matches my official username not my gamer tag which is Potato Phusion. :D We moved! More space to build in! I'm new to the site even though I've known about it for a whil…

This is something my friend and I designed and made in five minutes. With a little tampering, it turned out to be pretty cool. And as my first full instructable, I would like to present the K'nex Mini Connector Slinger. Sorry, no video, if you want to see it in action, build it. It doesn't take long.

Update: I got the video for the ball machine!

Step 1: The Base

This is very easy to build.

Step 2: The Slinger

This is the part that holds and fires the connector.

Step 3: The Rubber Band Holder

This part holds the rubber band for the slinger.

Step 4: Attaching the Rubber Band

The best kind of rubber band is a #64 elastic. These can be bought at a lot of places.

Step 5: Three Ways to Fire

There are 3 ways to fire the slinger, they will be listed in the next 3 steps.

Step 6: Firing: Under

This is the way I fire it most often.

Step 7: Firing: Over

This is a lot like the previous method and you can probably guess the difference.

Step 8: Firing: Kicking

This is a firing method but it isn't recommended, because it sucks .

Step 9: Tips for Firing

Angle the machine to fire further.

Fire it from high places to go much further.

Thank you for building my machine.