Introduction: Knex Tube Fed Rifle

About: I have been meaning to make a instructable account for a while now so that I can get around to breaking up, or if you prefer down, my old knex builds.

If you need more information or are unable to understand anything, please feel free to ask. I will try to respond in AT LEAST 24 hours, though I make no promises or guarantees that I will, because as we all know stuff happens.

If you see any errors in my grammar or spelling pleas feel free to point them all out.

Step 1: ​Gather Pieces

Step 2: Magazine and Barrel

This was the longest step. You build the magazine and the barrel.

Step 3: End

Step 4: Handle

Step 5: Finishing Up

Note: The next steps are the optional features.

Step number 6 is the fore grip.

Step number 7 is the stock.

Step number 8 is the scope.

Step 6: Fore Grip

Note: It can be mounted in two ways.

I did NOT come up with this fore grip. This fore grip was made/designed by the Red Book Of Westmarch.