Introduction: LOTR Style Bow

About: Prop maker and now (kida) animater (<-- typo)

Hi, this instructable will show you how to make a bow and arrow, lord of the rings style.
It is very cheap to make and is very lightweight.
This instructable was requested by jediwhiz3 a while back and I apologise for getting it up so late.

Step 1: Materials

You will need 
1) large piece of pine
2) Masking tape
3) wood stain
4) 2 srews
5) Sand paper
and some string
1) coping saw
2)drill press (hand drills work to)
3) Screwdriver
4) sharp knife

Step 2: Cutting the Wood

I wanted to get that middle-ages look so I cut the wood in half with my coping saw to get a rough cut look
be careful cutting the wood (I cut myself at least once making this)
Then stain your wood (I used ight oak)

Step 3: Adding the Curve

My camra ran out of battery for this step so please forgive me.
cut a diagonal line half way and then cut a piece of wood the size of your hand.
screw the 2 pieces on t the crip and where the line is cover with tape.
stain over the tape and it will be almost invisible.
finally drill a hole in the grip for the arrow to sit in

Step 4: Almost Done

almost done,
tie a piece of string to the top of the bow to the bottom

Step 5: Done

Your finished :)
I hope to get some wood dowl to make some arrows for it
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