Introduction: Laser Cut Trinity Pendant

About: Community Manager for Instructables and Tinkercad.
(Somehow all of my text disappeared so I will try to rewrite it.)

When I was first told how easy it was to laser cut something, I decided to start with what I love best: celtic knots.  I made two versions and I've provided them both in the attached document.

I made this at Techshop in SF!

  1. Material (I used both acrylic and wood)
  2. Jump Ring
  3. Cord
  4. Needle Nose Pliers

I made this design with just circles.  It was pretty easy.  All you have to do is line everything up exactly right ;)

Once you are ready, make sure you define your etch lines and your cut lines.  I etched my lines at 2 points.  Also, make sure you add in a hole to attach it to a necklace.  My final pendant was about 1.5 inches wide from bottom tip to bottom tip.  When I frist did this, I went overboard and it was about 3 inches wide and made of wood.  Though I will probably wear it sometime, I didn't think any one else would so I redid it with black acrylic.  I added in a photo of the wood version so you can see how it will turn out and also, I did both versions in wood.

Assembling the necklace:
  1. Take your jump ring and attach it to the hole at the top of your pendant.
  2. Take your cord and string it through the jump ring.
  3. Tie a nice double knot leaving enough room so you can slip it over your head.
  4. Wear and be happy with your awesome celtic knot!
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