Introduction: Little Foam Cookies - Aunt Mary's Old Recipe

Three steps - Three ingredients

Very easy recipe, just three simple steps.

Total preparation time: 20min

Ingredients  (for 20 \ 30 cookies) :

- 1 Egg white
- 100g sugar
- 100g almonds  + hazelnuts

Fantastic result for a genuine white Christmas!

Step 1: Whisk the Egg Whites

- Take egg whites only

- Add sugar to egg white

- Beat egg whites until stiff and glossy and stiff peaks form.

Step 2: Almonds and Hazelnuts

- Chop almonds and hazelnuts together (not too)

- Mix together the chopped at the sticky dough

Step 3: Bake

- Make small balls with the paste or use little molds (baking cups)

- Bake at 350 ° F (180 ° C) for 15 \ 20 minutes

Bon appétit !

Step 4: Gift Wrapping

Use a white paper (to stay in style "White Christmas") and golden ribbon, to wrap up plates with cookies.

They may be held closed with ribbon and topped with a decorative bow (an ornamental knot made of ribbon).

A good and simple home-made gifts for friends and family, success guaranteed!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Cookies Challenge

Participated in the
Cookies Challenge