Introduction: Make a New Garden!!!!

Here I will show you how to make an amazing and beautiful garden for under 10 dollars!!

Step 1: Materials

First you need to get all the right materials. You will need potting soil, shovel, a small shovel. You will also need seeds.

Step 2: Creating Life

Fill in the potting soil to a bed or the area you want to plant.water it down once so it gets even more dark and rich.

Step 3: Just Plant !!!!!!!!!

Plant your seeds in rows. The package of seed will tell you how deep to plant them and how far apart to each other . Warning:some plants will not grow at certain seasons. Before you by seed make sure that you buy a ruse seeds that are in season!!!!

Step 4: Let It Grow! Let It Grow!!

Make sure to water your plants every day between 3-6 a clock pm. I
You must do this because if you do it in the day time the water will evaporate before the plants can drink.

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