Introduction: Make Your Own Magnetic Sculpture

About: I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. =The world is prone to blind acceptance.= Opinions/Truths: Politeness shouldn't be faked, having no rules is a rule, just because you're an adult doesn't ma…

How to make an cheap desktop toy that will amuse for hours!

Step 1: Parts

I'm almost positive everyone has the supplies to build this around their house.

- Project Box (mine was circular)
- A Few Magnets
- Some Nuts


Step 2: Construction

Well, Its pretty simple.
Grab your magnets, and start up your hot-glue gun.
Apply some glue to your magnets and stick them to the inside of your project box.

Step 3: Sculpt!

Grab your nuts, and build things..
Depending on the strength of your magnets, you can make pretty tall structures.
Its a pretty simple concept with many different applications.

The Instructables Book Contest

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