Introduction: Make Tasty Orange Juice

About: i'm a gamer but interested in other thing that are on this site like technologic and music(piano)

make very tasty orange juice for 3-4 people.

important if you put much sugar in it, it is not so healthy

this is my first instructable and i'm not english so don't be angry about language
i'm adding the pictures if i make it again(juice) ;)

Step 1: Ingredients

150g sugar (or less if it must be healthier)
200cc water
1 orange
lemon (almost as much as you have to orange juice)

Step 2: Making the Juice

First you make juice from your orange
do almost as much lemon juice in the orange juice you have

put the sugar in a (small) pot
and put 200cc water in it
make it not too hot and keep stirring until the sugar is dissolved in the water

if it is ready you can add the juice (orange and lemon) and stir well.
let it cool, serve and enjoy it.