Introduction: Mark Your Tools and Make Them Look Great!

About: Traveler

It's always been a challenge at worksites to know which tools are mine and which are other people's I've been known in the past to just spray paint my tools a particular color but that's maybe a little inelegant. This is a way to make your tools look good and keep track of which ones are yours!

Step 1: Materials

It's pretty simple. This is all you need.
Paint pen

Step 2: Paint Like an Impressionist

Find the areas on your tools that are recessed. These spots are great for holding on to paint. Slather these areas in paint. It doesn't have to be perfect

Step 3: Sand Off the Paint

Miraculously the paint will stay in the crannies. This is good.

Step 4: TADA!

You can obviously be a little more subtle with this but it is a pretty great way to mark your tools. Now your coworker Cletus will know when he steals your tools to return them. A tip I learned from a friend who works on big overseas jobs. Paint your tools pink. Not many dudes want pink tools laying about. Which keeps their dirty fingers off of yours!

Happy wrenching!