Introduction: Metal Rabbit Cage

This cage is easy and fast if you are getting an animal soon.

Step 1: Materials

You need 4 metal strips,zip ties as meany as you can,1 scissor.

Step 2: Putting Together

Get the zip ties and the metal and attach the metal bars together with the zip ties into a rectangle shape, but the top of the cage only needs one side zip tied.

Step 3: Cutting

Cut the ends of the zip ties ends short but do not cut the zip ties off.

Step 4: Find a Top

If you have anything that fits the top of the cage that does not fall into the cage, and has three holes on one side for the zip ties to go though that will work.

Step 5: Put the Door On

Once you found the door you can conect the door to the cage, but only zip tie one side of the door.

Step 6: You Are Done

You are done, you can but your animal inside the cage.