Introduction: Mexican Moyetes! (:

Long Italian bread or any kind of long bread
Avocado or Beans (your choice)
White Cheese
Pico De Gallo (optional)

Ingredients for Pico De Gallo-
And mix it... 

Step 1: Pocedure!! :D

1) Cut all your ingredients, except the bread and avocado, into little squares(shred the cheese).

Step 2:

Cut the bread in three or four pieces, then through the middle. 

Step 3:

Put the bread in the oven for 5-10 minutes at 350 degrees

Step 4:

When the bread is done in the oven, start with smearing beans or avocado on the bread. (Your choice)

Step 5:

Now put some cheese on it (the avocado one is  not supposed to have cheese, just Pico de Gallo if you wish).

And Voila, a delicious Moyete! (= Hope you enjoy! =)