Introduction: Minecraft Hill House

About: I play Minecraft on pc, Xbox 360 and pe. If you ever want to do an instructable with me on the 360 just ask and I will mention you

Step 1: Making the Birch Posts

You don't have to use wood but personally I like to use it. Anyways make the logs 9 blocks long and 9 blocks wide. And the posts 4 or more high. (Depending on the height of the hill)

Step 2:

Step 3: Floors

Next make your floors out of anything that you want.

Step 4: Roof

Now make your roof out of dirt blocks and make sure all wood is covered my dirt on the sides of the walls.

Step 5: New Home

Now that your house is done. We will need to decorate your interior

Step 6: Finished

Hope you enjoyed this instructable and I hope you guys can subscribe :)! Need 4 more for ten subscribers!!!