Introduction: Mini Crossbow

About: I am New Pew, I create electronic projects and share these creations on my YouTube channel. In every video I mainly show how you can make these innovative creations yourself! There is a description of each pro…

Hello people! In this instructable I will show you how to make a mini crossbow. Of course streaking burning matches at your own risk!

Step 1: Things You Need

You need:

  • 2 popsicle sticks
  • rubber band
  • bottle cap
  • Matches
  • Hot glue gun
  • Soldering iron
  • Nippers
  • Marker

Step 2: Preparing the Bottle Cap

Draw a cross on the bottle cap. Mark on each end of the cross 1 centimeter on the side of the bottle cap. Seen from above, the upper and lower approximately 3 millimeters from the top, the left and right 5 millimeters from the upper edge.

Use the soldering iron to open the markings on the sides. These are about 11 millimeters wide.

Step 3: Fitting the Cross

Push the popsicle sticks now through the holes in the bottle cap. Glue them with hot glue.

Step 4: Hole for Projectile

Make a hole (2 mm) in the front and back of the cap with the soldering iron.

Step 5: Assemble the Rubber Band

Make a small indentation on the left and right of the popsicle stick with the nippers. Put the rubber band around it and put him behind the bottle cap.

Step 6: Ready!

Ready! Great shooting fun !!

Glue Challenge 2016

Participated in the
Glue Challenge 2016