Introduction: Mini SD Card Case

About: Comment what I should make. I will try to make anything with what I have.

Keep your pictures safe! Make a mini SD card case that keeps your SD card safe from dust, falling and other bad things.

Step 1: Open Up a Camera

I opened up a digital camera that did not work. Don't touch the capacitor. I got shocked by it and it was awful!

Step 2:

Take off the part of the camera that holds the SD card slot with a screw driver.

Step 3:

The part that you take off should look like this.

Step 4:

Then I cut all of the circuit board that was around it off.

Step 5:

To make it look a little better and more protective I used electrical tape.

Step 6: Finished

Now you can keep your SD card safe. When you insert it into the slot it should click and stay in like a normal SD card slot.

Enjoy :)

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