Introduction: Mutualism - KNEX Ball Machine

About: I like to build with K’NEX as you can find many things I’ve built here. I also love to watch YouTube videos, have played piano and drums for over 10 years, listen to music (not country), and play video games (…
This is my 7th KNEX ball machine "Mutualism." This took a little over a month to build with 2 lifts and 5 paths, here are more details.
HERE'S THE VIDEO if you haven't seen this yet:

Step 1: The Bottom & Network

This is where the balls land when they reach the bottom. Then, the balls go up one by one by mathsboy314's Multiple Arm Lift and a Chain Lift.

Step 2: Path 1 (path 4 Connects)

The beginning of this path is the same as the path 5 start out. This path features 95martb's halfpipe element & one of Kairah89's elements from Metropolis.

Step 3: Path 2

This path connects to Path 1.

Step 4: Path 3

This path features Kairah89's spinning basket that doesn't always work for me.

Step 5: Path 5

The two things featured on this path are the panel stairs and panel drop both by 122Heb (Knextreme).