Introduction: "On Air" Light

About: Currently splitting time between college, work, Army, and my own studio. My interests range the full spectrum, but is always willing to help.

No one likes being interrupted, whether they run a radio station or performing vocally, so here's a queue!

This sleek-looking lamp can act as a nightlight or hallway lighting if you're not an aspiring DJ

Plus it's completely customizable!

This emits light, thus "Lights Contest". Voting shows appreciate if this inspired or intrigued you.

Step 1: Backboard and Slump Mold

I used a hardwood oak as the backboard for the light

Use any type of saw you want to cut whatever size you want for your lamp

Since I'm making an equilateral triangle, half the length of a sheet of plexiglas is the length of the backboard

Don't forget to take off the width of the backboard off both sides of the plexiglas for mounting

The slump mold was thrown together for the plexiglas to balance on and conform to

Two equilateral triangles the width of the backboard plus two sheets of wood the size of each side screwed together

The size of the slump mold all depends on whatever size lamp you make

Step 2: Slump or Form the Plexiglas

Experimenting, I tried this in a toaster oven that was a bit too small, with temp around 400°F

While it did slump, the plastic near the element went all bubbly, which I had to sand out

Would definitely recommend a hot-air gun or larger oven when forming, but, hey, we're learning

I also tried using a torch and wood slabs to form and bend. which worked pretty well

For it to fit snugly, it was formed a little smaller than the backboard

Starting to look like a lamp?

Step 3: Mounting

Here's what I used:

  • old sewing machine lamp with broken cord
  • 10' power plug
  • Heat-shrink tubing
  • 1/8th drill bit
  • 1/4th Spur point drill bit
  • marking and scribing implements

I mounted everything so that it was flush with the wall, and was able to flip the switch easily

The lamp, fortunately, had mounting points and hardware already installed

The backboard mounting points were angled to get maximum hold on the mount nails/screws

Step 4: Stylizing the Sign

Whatever you want to light-up the sign with, that's what you stencil!

A doodled out this design in two minutes, and I'm by no means a pro artist

Sanding the plexiglas ensures a good hold with whatever type of paint you want to use

I spray-painted a base of white, placed the stencil, then crimson red over it

I was in a hurry, so I'm sure you could do better than me

Here is where you can get creative! Paint whatever you want! Biohazard sign! Air Raid! No Entry! Test in Progress!

Mount this in an office, workstation, or home!

If you liked it or found it inspiring, please let me know or just VOTE!

Lights Contest 2017

Participated in the
Lights Contest 2017