Introduction: Origami Boomerang

About: I am a humble Hylian, traveling the world with my creations. If you want to learn something you've come to the right person! If not, then check out my showcases!

This instructable will show u haw to make an origami boomerang Not recommended for origami beginners

Step 1: Paper

Take an a4 sheet of paper and fold it lengthwise ten tear on that line make sure it is creased good

Step 2: Fold

Fold in half lengthwise again

Step 3:

Unfold then fold the top and bottom to the center crease leave a little bit of space though like 1mm

Step 4:

Fold it

Step 5:

Fold the top edges to the center crease then reverse the fold

Step 6:

Unfold it then unfold the right flap then you'll smear a diamond fold the whole thing backwards then make the creases on the diamond better

Step 7:

With your thumb press the top half of the right flap back where it would be then fold the whole thing backwards

Step 8:

I can't really explain this part easy so just follow the pictures as best you can you'll then have the boomerang finished but to make it fly go to the next step

Step 9:

Open the flap then reverse the right sides corner then fold the left side into the pocket you just made repeat on other side

Step 10:

Your finished just follow the pictures to know how to hold it to throw just flick your wrist it will take lots of practice to get used to it