Introduction: Part 4 of My Knot Series: the Sheet Bend

About: I LOVE knots. As well as other things. I post random 'Ibles not even related to knots. Sorry if there's a delay of when I post my instructables.

This knot joins two ropes of unequal size, but, can join two ropes of the same size just as well.
It has to be tied with both ends loose, And can't be under any load.
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Step 1: Starting

Take one of the ends on each rope, and position it like the picture. Then make a loop with the right side.

Step 2: Goin' Through the Loop

Take the right end through the loop, the bring it farther over and down under the two ropes.

Step 3: Then Up Over the Two

Up over the two, and under the top.

Step 4: Done!

Now you're done! Keep in tune!