Introduction: Penalties With Scratch and Makey Makey

About: Twitter: @carlopug

Transform a soccer ball into a controller for a penalties game built with Scratch.


Makey Makey Classic, soccer ball, tin foil, glue, piece of wood, scratch

Step 1: Glue the Soccer Ball Onto the Wood

Glue the soccer ball onto the wooden base.

As you can see in the picture, the base can be made of different materials. Pay attention: it must be a non conductive material.

Step 2: Prepare the Foil

We need to make a conductive soccer ball and use it as an input method for the penalties game.

The game uses three direction arrow keys (left, right, top) to kick the ball from three different positions:

  • If you touch (kick) the ball from the left, it will go to the right direction
  • If you touch the ball from the right, it will go to the left direction
  • If you touch the ball from the front, it will go straight

Follow the steps:

  • cut the foil to obtain three rectangles of about 10 x 8 centimeters
  • use the sellotape to obtain biadhesive pieces
  • put the biadhesive on the four corners of each foil rectangle

Cut another piece of foil of about 30 x 30 centimeters or enought to step on it with one foot.

Step 3: Attach Foil Rectangles to the Soccer Ball

Stick the three smaller rectangles of foil on three sides of the ball.

Step 4: Connect the Makey Makey

Use alligator clips to connect the foil rectangles to the Makey Makey and connect the larger piece of foil to earth.

Put everything on the ground so you can use your feet to play the game.

Step 5: Play the Game!

Open the Scratch game at the following url:

Connect the Makey Makey, take off shoes and socks and put a foot over the foil sheet.

Touch the ball on the conductive parts to play the game!