Introduction: Personalized Starbucks Drinks

About: My name is Ashley. I am in high school. I'm going to do a week of all hair tutorials! This starts Thursday June 25th! I am so excited!!! Love, Ashley

My sister and I went out for Starbucks and I was so bored of all the drinks. I know hard to believe! So I made my own! My sister got a Vanilla Chai and I got a Cotton Candy Frap.

Step 1: Personalized Starbucks Drinks

Have you ever went somewhere for a latte or beverage and had trouble picking something you want? Well this will show you how to make your personalized drink!

Step 2: Confidence

You need to be confident! Don't be freaked out with your creativity! People think its nice.

Step 3: Creativity

You need to be creative. I will show you what I made. I took a vanilla frap. and added one pump of raspberry syrup. I named it Cotton Candy! Pretty good! So you can take any simple flavor such as the vanilla and add any flavor shot. Like caramel or strawberry. Let your creativity shine!