Introduction: Pinwheels - Easy Summer Lunch

About: Army Vet. I love learning & being creative. I am back!

Pinwheels - it seems are a popular appetizer people buy from the store and bring to events. But, every time I've had them in the past, the store-bought ones, I haven't liked them too much. They put some weird stuff in them. Sometimes less is more! :) I made these the other day for my son and he loved them! They're pretty filling and really simple to make - great for a summer day!

Step 1: Ingredients to Make Pinwheels

  • Flatbread (I bought Pinwheel Lavash Flatbread - near the Deli at Walmart)
  • Lunch Meat - turkey, chicken - or whatever you like
  • Lettuce
  • Cheese slices
  • Cream Cheese - the whipped variety is easiest to spread
  • *Optional - you can add anything else that you like!

Step 2: Assemble the Pinwheels

This is pretty simple. Take out the cream cheese and spread it on the flatbread. It's ok if you want to go easy on it - but be sure to have it coating the flabread at both edges of the bread (so it will not fall apart). After coating it with cream cheese, then you'll want to take out your lunch-meat.

Add a nice little layer of lunch meat at the left edge of your flatbread. Try to keep it within 3-4 inches of the edge. Then put lettuce on top of that and cheese to top it off.

Fold the pinwheel tightly over itself two times. Then, you can add more toppings. I add a little more meat and lots of lettuce. If you skimp out on the lettuce, it will taste too dry. This gives it some great texture and crunch! Finish folding it up to the end.

Then, use a sharp knife to cut it into slices and you are done! I really didn't need to add anything else to it - they were very delicious with these few simple ingredients! I Hope you enjoy them!