Introduction: Porcupine Cones

About: I love to craft and make new things!

In this instructable you will make a Porcupine center piece. This is inspired by my brother. He brought a pinecone turkey home from school. I didn't have a big enough pinecone for it. I also didn't have a brown puffball for the head. I had another idea. What about a porcupine! My friend wanted to help so I gathered the needed items and she collected the needles. This could serve as a center piece or just a plain old nicknack.

Step 1: These Are the Items You Will Need...

- One bottle of craft glue
- One pinecone
- One Pair of scissors
- One piece of white paper
- LOTS of brown pine needles
- One Cue tip or cotton swab
- One black Sharpie marker

Step 2: Gluing the Needles to the Pinecone

Get little bunches of of pine needles and glue them to the pinecone

Step 3: Making the Eyes

Simply, cut out 2 white circles for the eyes. Don't forget to use the Sharpie marker to make the pupils. Then glue those to the pinecone. Googley eyes work too.

First Time Authors Contest 2016

Participated in the
First Time Authors Contest 2016