Introduction: Preping Your Crepe

Prep Time: 20 min.                             Ingredients:
                                                              1) 4 eggs
Cook Time: 2 min.                             2) 1 cup flour
                                                              3) 1/2 cup milk
Allow to set for:  1 hour                   4) 1/2 teaspoon salt
                                                              5) 1/2 cup water
Total Time: 1hour, 22 min               6) 2 tablespoons melted butter

Yeild:12 - 14 crepes

Step 1: Preperation


                       Measure all ingredients in to blender jar, blend for 30 seconds. Scrape down sides. Blend for 15 seconds more. Cover and let sit for an hour.(This helps the flour obsorb more of the liquids)

Step 2: Directions


                    Heat crepe pan. Lightly grease. Measure about 1/4 cup butter into pan .Tilt pan to spread butter.Once crepe has lost all little bubble, loosen any edges with spatula. Flip crepe over. This side cooks quikly. Slide ecrepe from pan to plate.

Step 3: Filling

8oz. of softened cream cheese
1 1/4 cups gradulated sugar
1 cup whip cream

To soften the crem cheese put in microwave for 15 seconds. After, put all of the ingredients in one bowl and mix until thick like iceing. then put some of it in your crepe rap, fold, then ad iceing and any topins you want.( you can also put icecream as your filling.)